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Animal Rescue


Lost & Found


We provide Animal rescue for abandoned or lost pets. Rescued animals are provided with medical care, housing and love until they find a forever home. We offer assistance for found pets and pets that need a new forever home, and we provide pet adoption for pets in our care. We are always looking for volunteers and foster homes to help pets in Grant County.

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Without fostering, there can be no rescue. Every year we save the lives of many pets.


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We are seriously in need of fosters. We hand tje 8 husky pups rhat need some family socializing, even if you can only take 1. We also have 4 eight week old collie pups… so very adorable… maybe a foster to adopt! And we need a foster for six little shitzu/pug mix pups that are 3.5 months old. Also 4/5 chowchow pups that resemble little Russian bears. Can you help? If you have a foster form on file with us already and can foster, please let us know. ... See MoreSee Less

We are seriously in need of fosters. We hand tje 8 husky pups rhat need some family socializing, even if you can only take 1. We also have 4 eight week old collie pups… so very adorable… maybe a foster to adopt! And we need a foster for six little shitzu/pug mix pups that are 3.5 months old.  Also 4/5 chowchow pups that resemble little Russian bears. Can you help? If you have a foster form on file with us already and can foster, please let us know.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Can we see pics of the collie pups?

A big transport day yesterday. Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor let us know that they could take 6 cats and has space for 1 dog. We needed to save a dog from anymore breeding, so Chloe was chosen to go and six local cats. We took them all the way over to the beautiful island and got right back in line to come back on the ferry. Then Pawsitive Alliance had several stores for us to go to and collect donations. We made a pretty good haul. #rescueanimals #adoptdontshop #PartnershipForSuccess ... See MoreSee Less

A big transport day yesterday. Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor let us know that they could take 6 cats and has space for 1 dog. We needed to save a dog from anymore breeding, so Chloe was chosen to go and six local cats. We took them all the way over to the beautiful island and got right back in line to come back on the ferry. Then  Pawsitive Alliance had several stores for us to go to and collect donations. We made a pretty good haul. #rescueanimals #adoptdontshop #PartnershipForSuccessImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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It was a beautiful day for you all to go to the islands. Thank you for saving them all and happy trails ahead for all!


We need to get 2 litters of kittens and 1 small puppy to North Bend tomorrow from Ephrata . We will pay for your gas and lunch.
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We need to get 2 litters of kittens and 1 small puppy to North Bend tomorrow from Ephrata . We will pay for your gas and lunch.

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I messaged...

This female Deer Chihuahua is about a year old, weighs 8 lbs and was found roaming around Moses Pointe in Moses Lake. I am fostering her and waiting for an owner to come forward. If you know this lil one please speak up. She is now a rescue with ARFS - Animal Rescue Friends Society of Grant Co., Wa . An appointment for spay is made for Monday March 3rd. I have named her "Gracie"❣️ Soon will be up for adoption with our program . 🙏🤞 ... See MoreSee Less

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Awww sweet little one! ❤️

I love my deer head 💕 great companions.

She’s adorable and such a sweet little thing!

The beautiful puppies which were found in a haystack last week are almost ready for their new homes. Applications can be found on our website at www.arfsgc.com
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The beautiful puppies which were found in a haystack last week are almost ready for their new homes. Applications can be found on our website at www.arfsgc.com
#adoptdontshopImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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